
In light of these uncertain times, I have put forward some ideas to help organise your kitchen, what to buy, cook and freeze.

  1. Go through your refrigerator, freezer and pantry and clear out the out of date food in order to make way for fresh food. Wipe down all surfaces. Household natural cleaning products such as vinegar and bicarbonate (baking soda) can be more cost effective. In times such as these, buying an antiseptic, diluting this in water with a spray bottle, is a more economical to wipe down all outer surfaces.

  2. Buy some basic staples, preferably with a long life. My staples are eggs, plant based mylks, bottled food such as anchovies, fish, bottled tomato sauces, olives, organic condiments, artichokes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and powdered veggies. Keep food out of the sunlight where possible.

  3. When storing nuts and seeds, I prefer to keep these in the refrigerator to retain their freshness. Buy glass containers that are freezer and oven friendly.

  4. When it comes to fruit and veggies, purchase what’s in season and those that can be frozen once cooked. Wash these in lemon and vinegar to remove pesticides, fertilisers etc. Use a scrubbing brush to clean them in the sink.

A few possible dishes that fit into this category are

  • Soups.

  • Roasted veggies

  • Casseroles

  • Broths

  • Sauces

  • Pestos

  • Bake savoury slices such as a zucchini and carrot slice.

  • Sweet dishes such as stewed fruits and cakes.

In the coming weeks, my aim will be to make and post dishes some of these dishes.

In these uncertain times, we need to take on self responsibility, give ourselves nutrition, fresh air, adequate sleep and continued connection with others by calling friends and family and offer support and help, where possible.

Lastly, be kind to yourself and considerate to others! x